Saturday, December 18, 2010


No doubt, today muslims are seen as the minority. Rumor, that is basically supported by facts, has it that we are expanding in numbers. I dont really remember where i heard this, but it goes someting like this; "Every muslim killed today, a greater number of people accept Islam tomorrow." But why are we seen as a minority? Is it because we are weak?  Is it because of our technology? or is it just statistically seen in numbers? If so, then why the Jewish are seen as a powerful race when there is just only 13,421,000 jewish population compared to the muslims that are 1/4 of the people in this world?
There is no definite answer, and the answers to this question can go rambling on and on and on. So before going to the more deeper issues in which we, as humble people with no power, cannot do. We can see this in terms of simple reasons such as isolation.
Yes, the Westerns, the Europeans and of course the Jewish have not exactly opened the welcome wagon for us Muslims. The hijabs, the long beards, the Holy Quran and jihad are seen as a liability nowadays, eventhough none of it does contribute to terrorism, as how they mentioned it in the media and whatever. But have we muslims ever viewed on what we do actually does contribute to their isolation towards us? We keep on pointing fingers yet we never view back to what we do on behalf of their perspectives. I am a muslim, i love my religion, and i have faith that Islam is the religion of rightenous. But it doesnt neglect the fact that humans make mistakes, even muslims.
In a way, i believe it is us also that isolates ourselves from the world in one way or another. We claim we have interreligous understanding,yet we dont allow our childrens to play with non-muslims just because they eat pork. (which is haram(forbidden) in islam) We dont talk to non muslims coz we fear they will contaminate our beliefs and poison our minds with their lifestyle. We create a sense of doubt to our community to interact with these people and influence our children to be unsociable. We insulate ourselves with our islamic-islamic cmmunity by avoiding contact towards anyone but ourselves. During the Islamic reign, our scholars travelled to Rome, Greece and China just to share their knowledge, and translate it to Arabic for their educational purposes.Malaysia, is in good terms by sending students to foreign countries. Learning about their cultures, their knowledge and mind set is one best way to create interreligous and interracial understandings between them. As a result this may contribute to a better islamic view to foreigners and show the true teachings of islam.
 Unfortunately, even in our islamic-islamic communities- we argue over senseless topics like who wears the hijab more properly? who is more faithful than the other? while the enemy surrounds the borders of our lands with tanks and bombs, we keep on rambling on and on-pointing fingers again and again.
However, oppressions in Palestine and in Eastern Europe have also contributed to a sense of hate and unfriendly views from the muslim community. Our anger of the deaths of our brothers and sisters, have resorted to violence. An action described by the media as terroristic. Their cause are let down, and their presence are neglected. From that, hijacking planes, suicide bombings, killing sprees and many more occur from the mess the non muslims created- and cycles back to us as massive terrorism taught by islam. Scholars claim to read the Quran and without understanding its meaning create senseless accusations about Islam- covering their mess with our action. Making us puppets to their mascarade. Used silently. Our actions that were created by fear and anger resorted to our isolation. When we punch back, they shoot us- saying we punched them first..
We are a religion of peace. We are not terrorists.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Secularism and Islam

I have been reading through blogs, books and many useful sources of information about secularism, n its role in history. "Our heroes are thier enemies" Basic understanding of the world today. Different principles- everyone has thier own beliefs for freedom, idealism, revolution, and of course secularism. Generally speaking, Secularism is a concept that distinguishes religious violations with the government affairs. (

Is it a good thing?
No doubt that secularism has contributed towards Western, European modernization, and has revolutionized the minds of these people towards outstanding accomplishments. (Mcm blaja sejarah dlu daaa) Before Renaissance, most minds were limited by the churches complaints, doubts that this life is not for them, but heaven awaited in the afterlife, so most of them chose the afterlife- leaving world acknowledgements ( fardhu kifayah). Until scholars who broke this trend defined science as a subject not a sin.

Haaaa...enough with history; so happened during secularism. Well, life happened-and when i say life-ONLY life ;) People called it the Age of enlightment, and the West went to a phase of modernization with a religious debt they left behind. This was- early stages of todays politics. And by time- nations begin to follow the secularism trend as it indirectly was seen as an association to modernization.

So the West believed in secularism- so what? What started the issue was the Islamic Turkish empire governed by Mustafa Kemal Attartuk ( who believed secularism was the solution to the downfall of Muslim empires and society.Being the last known Islamic empire- it didnt really approve to the society. By banning hijabs, and seperating religious beliefs with the government- somone had to get angry. Protests, riots bla bla bla...didnt work. It just kept going on.

Was there Modernization?
Well undergoing development is sure dfficult when riots are going about, and lives of people are in danger- economical growth stops, and Turkey-once a beutiful country become a hostile one.  The problem i believe is the understanding of secularism itself. Islamic countries- CANNOT undergo secularism as the Western people have. Why? Because the seperation of islamic beliefs in the government is IMPOSSIBLE! Islam is a religion that is mainly devoted towards Allah S.W.T, as a way of life- not a religion that goes and pray 24/7. What we muslims do- is Islam! So how can we seperate a way of life towards government decisions? it just doesn't work that way. It may be possible in Christianity, and is proven useful, but not in Islam.

However it is sure possible if we take secularism, and understand it as a way of achieving modernization only with the aspects of Islam instead of shading from the world and hiding without new knowlegde coz of the fear o secularism. If we understand this- we might grow as a greater Ummah and neglect the fact that today- we are ignorant and relying on the help of others as we are incapable of protecting ourselves.

Yes, this will take perhaps ages,centuries, or milleniums to create a powerful ummah as the one we created a long time ago. We were careless, but every beginning starts with a small step, and if we all start- we might contribute towards a better life for generations to come. Our struggle is for them- not for us. IA

p/s sori for writing too much- (Smgt niiih!)